Local Earth / Haiti News [February]

Welcome to the very first edition of the Local Earth ~ Haiti newsletter!  Local Earth is a platform that facilitates intercommunication and collaboration amongst all of the amazing endeavors working towards sustainable community development in Haiti.  We gladly invite you to participate in cultivating a healthy, active & effective conscious community.

***Upcoming Activities & Events (see Calendar for more details)…

  • EcoSan Working Group Meeting:  (Feb 15, 2pm, SOIL office- Delmas 33) A group for individuals and organizations working on or planning EcoSan projects in Haiti, in order to effectively and efficiently share information and resources in a focused setting, meant to strengthen the overall effectiveness of EcoSan projects throughout the country.
  • Food & Film Social: (Feb 23, 4:30pm, Le Daily Gourmet Cafe-Tabarre) A monthly social gathering to share food while we engage, network, learn and exchange our knowledge and experiences in our path toward a more sustainable Haiti. The social/food hour is followed by a thought-provoking and inspiring film.
  • Meet N Greet: (Feb 24, 5pm, AFH Office-Petionville) Architecture for Humanity’s monthly Meet N Greet.  Come mingle after work over beverages & hors d’oeuvres.  There will be a guest presenter who will give a slide show on a reconstruction project
  • Local Earth Festival:  This March begins the first chapter of the Local Earth Festival in Costa Rica (March 2013)!  A portion of our team will be spending the month of March scouting out the site and logistic for next year’s festival!  This is an exciting new project that is just beginning… our logistics/planning team is currently forming.  If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us!
  • ***Get Involved!:  Your help would be greatly appreciated in updating our blogcalendar and facebook page.  Contact us if you wish to be added as admin for editing capabilities.

***Updates of Recent Community Action (click links for more info)…

Thank you so much for all you are and all you do for the development of a more sustainable and resilient community in Haiti.  Let us become a progressive global leader in local communities that live with intention and respect;  to the earth and one another.  “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”  ~Hopi Elders.

Wishing you a beautiful February full of love!

From the Local Earth~Haiti team